Single – $600 -‐ A single membership includes unlimited golf without cart, discounts of 30% on apparel and 20% on all other non-‐sale Pro Shop merchandise, and GAM Handicap Membership. Members may ride for cart fee only or purchase a season cart pass.
Couple – $950 – A couple membership may be purchased by two immediate family members. A couple membership includes unlimited golf for two without cart, discounts of 30% on apparel and 20% on all other non-‐sale Pro Shop merchandise, and GAM Handicap Membership for both members. Members may ride for cart fee only or purchase a season cart pass.
Family -‐ $1,350 – A family membership may be purchased by one adult or a married couple plus dependents under the age of 23. A family membership includes unlimited golf for all members of the immediate family without cart, discounts of 30% on apparel and 20% on all non-‐sale Pro Shop merchandise, and GAM Handicap Membership for all members of the family. Members may ride for cart free only or purchase a season cart pass.
Junior -‐ $300-‐ includes unlimited golf without cart for someone less than 18 years old or younger on March 1st of that year.
Monthly -‐ $250 – includes unlimited golf without cart for 30 consecutive days for a single person. These memberships are non-‐transferable. May add cart for a fee of $50
Cart Fee – Single $250, Couple $350, Family $400